
[정보통신대학원 세미나 2022-2학기] 세미나(11월 25일, 이주용 교수님)-자동 버그 수정(Automated Bug Fixing)

고 라경
2022-11-23 10:35
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⚡⚡세미나7-정보통신대학원 세미나 2022년 2학기

자동 버그 수정(Automated Bug Fixing)

이주용 교수님

The once-futuristic idea of automated bug fixing (a.k.a., automated program repair) is gradually becoming a reality. Companies such as Facebook have started to adopt automated bug fixing in their development pipeline, and automated bug fixing is now considered one of the most attractive research topics in the software engineering field. The goal of automated bug fixing is simple: generate bug patches automatically and suggest them to developers. For example, Angelix, an automated bug fixing tool I co-developed, can generate a correct patch for Heartbleed automatically. In this talk, I will describe my work on program repair from various perspectives, focusing on the semantics-based technique, which first infers a patch specification, and then synthesizes a patch satisfying the inferred patch specification. Automated bug fixing should be done as quickly as possible. However, most APR tools are slow due to the large patch space. I will describe how we expedite the program repair process.

🔺일시 : 11월 25일 (금), 16시~

🔺장소 : NTH 412호 (오프라인으로만 진행)

🔺문의 : 4단계 BK21 AI사업단 (260-3150)