
[3차연도 정보통신대학원 세미나2] Recent Advances in Explainable Artificial Intelligence

고 라경
2022-05-20 11:31
[3차연도 정보통신대학원 세미나2]

▶강사: 최재식 교수
▶제목: Recent Advances in Explainable Artificial Intelligence
Explainable and interpretable machine learning models and algorithms are important topics which have received growing attention from research, application and administration. Many advanced visual artificial intelligence systems are often perceived as black-boxes. Researchers would like to be able to interpret what the AI model has learned in order to identify biases and failure models and improve models. Many government agencies pay special attention to the topic. In May 2018, EU enacted the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which mandates a right to explanation from machine learning model. In this talk, I will overview recent advances in explainable research for industrial applications.