
[정보통신대학원 세미나 2022-2학기] 11월 02일, Warm Plasma Techniques for Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gas Abatement

고 라경
2022-11-07 16:54
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▶▶세미나4-정보통신대학원 세미나 2022년 2학기

Warm Plasma Techniques for Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gas Abatement

Akande Olugbenga 연구교수


Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) is an important and commonly used chemical in the electrical power, electronics, and manufacturing industries. However, because of its high global warming potential (GWP) and lengthy atmospheric lifespan, SF6 is considered the most potent greenhouse gas.

While several SF6 treatment methods, such as thermal dissociation, membrane-based separation, and adsorption treatment, have been developed, they have substantial shortcomings in terms of treating SF6 gas in large quantities efficiently and speedily. My presentation will focus on the development of efficient and low-cost SF6 and halogenated compounds abatement approaches using atmospheric pressure warm plasma.

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*일시 11월 02일 (수), 13시~

* 장소 NTH 412호 (오프라인으로만 강의합니다.)

*문의 4단계 BK21 AI사업단 (260-3150)