
[3차연도 정보통신대학원 세미나6] The EEG diagnosis and the new generation neuromodulation techniques for brain disorders

고 라경
2022-05-20 11:37
[3차연도 정보통신대학원 세미나6]

▶강사: 장국인 교수
▶제목: The EEG diagnosis and the new generation neuromodulation techniques for brain disorders
Non-invasive electroencephalographic biomarkers have been developed for brain disorders. Resting state EEG, P300, and LDAEP reflect pathological traits or status in patients with psychiatric disorders. However, the EEG biomarkers have been used as an auxiliary diagnostic tool. Recently, machine learning and deep learning techniques have been applied
to overcome relatively weak diagnostic ability of EEG biomarkers. Non-invasive neuromodulation techniques, additionally, are developed to solve problems for limitations and side effects of pharmacological intervention. Transcranial electric and magnetic stimulation techniques modulate polarity of membrane potential in neural cells. Electro-magnetic stimulation induces inhibitory and/or excitatory effect in cortical cell. Light and optogenetics are responsible for receptor sensitivities in channelrhodopsin and halorhodopsin.
Light-specific modulation in neural cells can induce changes in serotonergic and dopaminergic activity. Combined techniques of the EEG and neuromodulation would be necessary for overcoming brain disorders and establishing patient-friendly untact-medical service.