
[3차연도 정보통신대학원 세미나7] Automated Software Testing: How Far are We?

고 라경
2022-05-20 11:38
[3차연도 정보통신대학원 세미나7]

▶강사: 김미정 교수
▶제목: Automated Software Testing: How Far are We?
Testing is an important and necessary activity in developing programs to gain confidence in their behavior, but creating test cases is a laborious and time-consuming job to developers. To reduce the manual effort on testing, much research has been performed on automated software testing based on various underlying techniques such as random-based and search-based testing. These automated test generation tools provide developers with a set of failing tests that can possibly detect uncovered bugs. However, automatically-generated tests are not widely used in practice because their inputs often fail to reveal the real bugs.
In this talk, I’ll introduce various test generation techniques such as random-based and search-based, and discuss their limitations. Additionally, I’ll present our two research techniques that address these limitations. First, I’ll present our technique that tackles numerous false alarms produced from generated tests. Second, I’ll present our work on diversifying test inputs to achieve higher fault detection rate.